The Productivity Desk & Why I Started This Minimalist Thing.

It’s a bit embarrassing when by the end of the week your desk always looks like well a total mess, despite not actually doing any work at it. So today I took on the task of making my desk usable. I rearranged it so everything now has a place and I have made my art supplies, and everything else for that matter really easily 1

I now have a desk I’m proud of and I never want to see clutter on it again, so I’ll stop using it as a dumping ground. 

I made the most of an old draw storage unit I found in the shed and put in all the things that normally have no home on my desk and end up covering it entirely. I also made use of my little brown chest that I love but it has never stored anything I actually use; it was, I hate to admit, another junk box. Now it homes a small selection of my art materials that I can now quickly grab and get to work with. 

Storage wise I think it’s perfect and this really works for me as my desk is a very multipurpose area (well it should have been and will from now on.) Also it’s much easier on the eyes now.

photo 2 

This project is a great example of why I started embracing a more minimalist lifestyle this year. I want to be able to actually use and love the stuff I own. I haven’t properly done any artwork for a long time and it’s sad because the only in my way was my lack of organisation and an overwhelming amount of stuff I don’t need. I can now do something I love and even start sharing my work in a blog, like I’ve always wanted to, just because I cleaned up.

It would seem that something so simple as tidying up, could never change your life but it does. It makes life so much easier and stress free. 

If you like me feel like you’ve lost touch with yourself and your hobbies try just making your materials more accessible. I already feel so motivated to get working again and I know it will be easy now, there will be no fuss getting things out or putting them away and it gives me peace of mind knowing everything has a use and a home.



I had a little break from my minimalist 10 day journey but I have still been slowly organising more and more of my belongings. I will keep you posted from now on with what I am doing but there wont be any specific plan that I’m sticking to. Right now I’m just doing what feels right. If I feel like a certain area is weighing on my mind, I deal with it and everything is coming a long nicely and I’m so much more relaxed than I was at the start. I think the shoes are getting a bit of a declutter next so stay tuned for that. 



*If you ever want to know where anything you see on my blog is from, just ask me in the comments or on twitter which you can find on my contact page, it would take me a long time to write everything out otherwise 🙂 *

4 thoughts on “The Productivity Desk & Why I Started This Minimalist Thing.

  1. Actually enjoying (or even just finding!) the stuff you love is a great benefit of decluttering. Getting space and time for my quilting is one of my motivators.

    • Exactly I found lots of art materials I didn’t even know I had bought and they were really good quality bits. I’ve been known to do a spot of sowing but I find it overwhelming still because there are so many options and i usually make a big mess. Maybe I could figure out a way to sow the minimalist way and it will be so much easier hehe 🙂 Thank you for your comment.

  2. When they say cleanliness is next to Godliness they actually mean it. I’ve found cleaning and arranging stuff to be a very calming activity. There is something spiritual about it. Decluttering to me is about cleanliness of my surroundings, my body and my thoughts. It’s very peaceful.

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